Bollywood’s “perfectionist” Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan on Thursday re-shared a goofy and loveable video of her husband Nupur Shikhare, calling him a “cutie”. Nupur, who’s the official health coach of Ira and Aamir, took to his Instagram account and shared a Reel video, which has unseen footage of the lovebirds. Within the video we are able to see Nupur doing “aarti” of Ira, portray her nails, enjoying with playing cards, and hugging her adorably throughout their marriage ceremony. He has given the music of the music Emotional Idiot by Sohail Sen and Akshayraje Shinde to his publish.

Nupur has captioned the clip as, “I’m me when I’m with you… Love this music Emotional Idiot by Sohail… Such a cute vibe… It is so nostalgic”. Ira re-shared the video on her Instagram Tales, and wrote: “What a cutie”.

The video has obtained a lot love from the netizens, and the remark part is crammed with lovable messages for the couple. Followers posted feedback like “You each make one another so COMPLETE”, “So cute guys”, “You’re a rocking husband”, “so candy couple”, “pretty bonding”, “soo actual”.

The couple made their marriage ceremony official on January 3, 2024, by signing the wedding registration doc within the presence of family and friends on the Taj Lands Finish within the Bandra space of Mumbai. That they had tied the knot in Taj Lake Palace, Udaipur, Rajasthan.

Ira is the daughter of Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta. She has a brother named Junaid. In December 2002, Aamir had formally separated from Reena. Aamir married Kiran Rao, who had been an assistant director on the set of Lagaan. They tied the knot on December 28, 2005, and so they have a son, Azad Rao Khan. In July 2021, the couple introduced their separation.

On the work entrance, Aamir was the producer of not too long ago launched comedy drama Laapataa Women directed by Kiran Rao. It stars Nitanshi Goel, Pratibha Ranta, Sparsh Shrivastava, Chhaya Kadam and Ravi Kishan. He’ll subsequent be seen in Sitaare Zameen Par, scheduled to launch on December 25, 2024.


(Apart from the headline, this story has not been edited by NDTV employees and is printed from a syndicated feed.)


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