The ECI notice was based on a complaint by the BJP for Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s alleged remarks at a poll rally in Rajasthan’s Barmer district. (Image: PTI/File)

The ECI discover was primarily based on a grievance by the BJP for Congress chief Rahul Gandhi’s alleged remarks at a ballot rally in Rajasthan’s Barmer district. (Picture: PTI/File)

In its December 2023 order, the Delhi HC directed the ballot physique to behave in opposition to Congress MP Rahul Gandhi for allegedly calling PM Narendra Modi ‘panauti’ (unfortunate) and ‘jaib katra’ (pickpocket) and observing the remarks weren’t in good style

The Election Fee of India has requested Congress MP Rahul Gandhi to be “extra cautious” and “cautious” in his feedback, weeks after the Delhi Excessive Court docket directed the ballot physique to behave in opposition to him for allegedly calling Prime Minister Narendra Modi “panauti” (unfortunate) and “jaib katra” (pickpocket).

Gandhi acquired the warning forward of the Lok Sabha elections. The time period of the present Lok Sabha is ending in June and elections are prone to be held earlier than that. The court docket, in its December 2023 order, had noticed that the statements weren’t in good style. The EC was given eight weeks to take the motion.

In line with sources, Gandhi has been requested to be extra cautious in his statements in future and to observe the EC advisory issued final week, wherein political events have been requested to concentrate on issue-based debates.

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The EC had issued a discover to the senior Congress chief in November 2023 for allegedly calling Modi panauti and jaib katra. The discover was primarily based on a grievance by the BJP for his alleged remarks at a public rally in Rajasthan’s Barmer district whereas campaigning for the meeting polls.

Within the election rally, he blamed the prime minister for India’s loss within the ICC World Cup 2023 and reportedly stated “PM means Panauti Modi”. “It’s alleged that evaluating a primary minister to a ‘jaib katra’ (pickpocket) and utilizing the phrase ‘panauti’ is unbecoming of a senior chief of the nationwide political social gathering. Additional, the allegation of a grant of waivers of Rs 14,00,000 crore for the previous 9 years, is asserted by the BJP, as not borne out on info. Moreover, they’re allegedly in violation of Part 123(4) of the Illustration of the Folks Act, sections 171G, 504, 505 (2), and 499 of the IPC and provisions of the mannequin code of conduct,” the discover acknowledged.


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