algorithm: A bunch of guidelines or procedures for fixing an issue in a collection of steps. Algorithms are utilized in arithmetic and in laptop packages for determining options.

amplification: (v. amplify) The act of intensifying one thing, comparable to growing the quantity, quantity or another measure of responsiveness.

annual: Adjective for one thing that occurs yearly. (in botany) A plant that lives just one yr, so it often has a showy flower and produces many seeds.

synthetic intelligence: A sort of knowledge-based decision-making exhibited by machines or computer systems. The time period additionally refers back to the area of research by which scientists attempt to create machines or laptop software program able to clever conduct.

micro organism: (singular: bacterium) Single-celled organisms. These dwell practically in all places on Earth, from the underside of the ocean to inside different residing organisms (comparable to crops and animals). Micro organism are one of many three domains of life on Earth.

biology: The research of residing issues. The scientists who research them are often known as biologists.

chemical: A substance shaped from two or extra atoms that unite (bond) in a set proportion and construction. For instance, water is a chemical made when two hydrogen atoms bond to 1 oxygen atom. Its chemical method is H2O. Chemical additionally might be an adjective to explain properties of supplies which might be the results of numerous reactions between totally different compounds.

chloroform: A colorless, sweet-smelling chemical solvent. Way back, medical doctors would have sufferers inhale vapors of this chemical to render them unconscious — and painfree — throughout surgical procedure.

compound: (usually used as a synonym for chemical) A compound is a substance shaped when two or extra chemical parts unite (bond) in mounted proportions. For instance, water is a compound fabricated from two hydrogen atoms bonded to 1 oxygen atom. Its chemical image is H2O.

computational biology: A area by which scientists use arithmetic and laptop packages to raised perceive residing issues.

laptop mannequin: A program that runs on a pc that creates a mannequin, or simulation, of a real-world characteristic, phenomenon or occasion.

laptop science: The scientific research of the ideas and use of computer systems. Scientists who work on this area are often known as laptop scientists.

standards: (sing. criterion) The requirements, guidelines, traits or different issues used to make a judgment or dedication about one thing.

database: An organized assortment of associated information.

degrade: To interrupt down into smaller, less complicated supplies — as when wooden rots or as a flag that’s left open air within the climate will fray, fade and collapse. (in chemistry) To interrupt down a compound into smaller parts.

develop: To emerge or to make come into being, both naturally or via human intervention, comparable to by manufacturing.

diagnose: To research clues or signs within the seek for their trigger. The conclusion often leads to a prognosis — identification of the causal drawback or illness.

DNA: (brief for deoxyribonucleic acid) An extended, double-stranded and spiral-shaped molecule inside most residing cells that carries genetic directions. It’s constructed on a spine of phosphorus, oxygen, and carbon atoms. In all residing issues, from crops and animals to microbes, these directions inform cells which molecules to make.

electrical cost: The bodily property liable for electrical power; it may be unfavourable or optimistic.

engineering: The sector of analysis that makes use of math and science to unravel sensible issues. Somebody who works on this area is named an engineer.

surroundings: The sum of all the issues that exist round some organism or the method and the situation these issues create. Setting might discuss with the climate and ecosystem by which some animal lives, or, maybe, the temperature and humidity (and even the placement of issues within the neighborhood of an merchandise of curiosity).

environmental engineer: An individual who makes use of science to check and remedy issues in ecosystems — from forests to the human physique.

area: An space of research, as in: Her area of analysis is biology. Additionally a time period to explain a real-world surroundings by which some analysis is performed, comparable to at sea, in a forest, on a mountaintop or on a metropolis road. It’s the reverse of a synthetic setting, comparable to a analysis laboratory.

gene: (adj. genetic) A phase of DNA that codes, or holds directions, for a cell’s manufacturing of a protein. Offspring inherit genes from their mother and father. Genes affect how an organism appears to be like and behaves.

genetic: Having to do with chromosomes, DNA and the genes contained inside DNA. The sector of science coping with these organic directions is named genetics. Individuals who work on this area are geneticists.

highschool: A designation for grades 9 via 12 within the U.S. system of obligatory public training. Excessive-school graduates might apply to high schools for additional, superior training.

innovation: (v. to innovate; adj. revolutionary) An adaptation or enchancment to an current thought, course of or product that’s new, intelligent, more practical or extra sensible.

litter: Materials that lies round within the open, having been discarded or left to fall the place it could. (in biology) Decaying leaves and different plant matter on the floor of a forest flooring. (in zoology) A bunch of younger animals born on the similar time to the identical mom.

microbe: Quick for microorganism. A residing factor that’s too small to see with the unaided eye, together with micro organism, some fungi and plenty of different organisms comparable to amoebas. Most encompass a single cell.

microplastic: A small piece of plastic, 5 millimeters (0.2 inch) or smaller in measurement. Microplastics might have been produced at that small measurement, or their measurement could also be the results of the breakdown of water bottles, plastic baggage or different issues that started off bigger.

mole: (in chemistry) A unit of measurement within the metric system to measure small portions. One mole is the same as mass (molecular weight in grams) of a substance that accommodates 6.022 x 1023 particular person base models (electrons, atoms, ions or molecules) of that substance.

monitor: To check, pattern or watch one thing, particularly on a daily or ongoing foundation.

physics: The scientific research of the character and properties of matter and vitality. Classical physics is an evidence of the character and properties of matter and vitality that depends on descriptions comparable to Newton’s legal guidelines of movement. Quantum physics, a area of research that emerged later, is a extra correct manner of explaining the motions and conduct of matter. A scientist who works in such areas is named a physicist.

plastic: Any of a collection of supplies which might be simply deformable; or artificial supplies which have been created from polymers (lengthy strings of some building-block molecule) that are typically light-weight, cheap and immune to degradation. (adj.) A cloth that is ready to adapt by altering form or probably even altering its operate.

polymer: A substance created from lengthy chains of repeating teams of atoms. Manufactured polymers embrace nylon, polyvinyl chloride (higher often known as PVC) and plenty of sorts of plastics. Pure polymers embrace rubber, silk and cellulose (present in crops and used to make paper, for instance).

programming: (in computing) To make use of a pc language to jot down or revise a set of directions that makes a pc do one thing. The set of directions that does this is named a pc program. The time period can also be used, in an analogy to laptop programming, to explain the way in which one thing — comparable to cells — have been designed to operate. An individual who writes or revises software program is a often known as a programmer.

quantum physics: A department of physics that makes use of quantum idea to elucidate or predict how a bodily system will function on the dimensions of atoms or sub-atomic particles.

random: One thing that happens haphazardly or with out cause, primarily based on no intention or function. Or an adjective that describes some factor that discovered itself chosen for no explicit cause, and even chaotically.

Regeneron Worldwide Science and Engineering Truthful: (Regeneron ISEF) Initially launched in 1950, this competitors is one in every of three created (and nonetheless run) by the Society for Science. Annually now, roughly 1,600 highschool college students from greater than 60 international locations, areas, and territories are awarded the chance to showcase their unbiased analysis at Regeneron ISEF and to compete for a median of just about $9 million in prizes.

regulate: (n. regulation) To regulate with actions.

salt: A compound made by combining an acid with a base (in a response that additionally creates water). The ocean accommodates many various salts — collectively known as “sea salt.” Frequent desk salt is a fabricated from sodium and chlorine.

Science Expertise Search: An annual competitors created and run by Society for Science. Begun in 1942, this occasion brings 40 research-oriented highschool seniors to Washington, D.C. annually to showcase their analysis to the general public and to compete for awards. Since spring 2016, this competitors has been sponsored by Regeneron Prescription drugs.

sequence: The exact order of associated issues inside some collection. (in genetics) n. The exact order of the nucleotides inside a gene. (v.) To determine the exact order of the nucleotides making up a gene.

software program: The mathematical directions that direct a pc’s {hardware}, together with its processor, to carry out sure operations.

species: A bunch of comparable organisms able to producing offspring that may survive and reproduce.

pressure: (in biology) Organisms that belong to the identical species that share some small however definable traits. For instance, biologists breed sure strains of mice which will have a selected susceptibility to illness. Sure micro organism or viruses might develop a number of mutations that flip them right into a pressure that’s resistant to the ordinarily deadly impact of a number of medicine.

system: A community of elements that collectively work to realize some operate. As an illustration, the blood, vessels and coronary heart are main parts of the human physique’s circulatory system. Equally, trains, platforms, tracks, roadway alerts and overpasses are among the many potential parts of a nation’s railway system. System may even be utilized to the processes or concepts which might be a part of some methodology or ordered set of procedures for getting a job carried out.

transistor: A tool that may act like a change for electrical alerts.


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