ambiance: The envelope of gases surrounding Earth, one other planet or a moon.

comet: A celestial object consisting of a nucleus of ice and dirt. When a comet passes close to the solar, fuel and dirt vaporize off the comet’s floor, creating its trailing “tail.”

pc mannequin: A program that runs on a pc that creates a mannequin, or simulation, of a real-world function, phenomenon or occasion.

particles: Scattered fragments, usually of trash or of one thing that has been destroyed. Area particles, for example, contains the wreckage of defunct satellites and spacecraft.

diameter: The size of a straight line that runs by way of the middle of a circle or spherical object, beginning on the edge on one facet and ending on the edge on the far facet.

eruption: (in geoscience) The sudden bursting or spraying of scorching materials from deep inside a planet or moon and out by way of its floor. Volcanic eruptions on Earth often ship scorching lava, scorching gases or ash into the air and throughout surrounding land. In colder components of the photo voltaic system, eruptions typically contain liquid water spraying out by way of cracks in an icy crust. This occurs on Enceladus, a moon of Saturn that’s lined in ice.

evolution: (v. to evolve) A course of by which species bear adjustments over time, often by way of genetic variation and pure choice. Or the time period can consult with adjustments that happen as some pure development throughout the non-living world (resembling pc chips evolving to smaller units which function at an ever quicker velocity).

Jupiter: (in astronomy) The photo voltaic system’s largest planet, it has the shortest day size (9 hours, 55 minutes). A fuel large, its low density signifies that this planet consists largely of the sunshine parts hydrogen and helium. This planet additionally releases extra warmth than it receives from the solar as gravity compresses its mass (and slowly shrinks the planet).

lunar: Of or regarding Earth’s moon.

micrometer: (generally referred to as a micron) One thousandth of a millimeter, or one millionth of a meter. It’s additionally equal to some one-hundred-thousandths of an inch.

migration: (v. migrate) Motion from one area or habitat to a different, particularly often (and in response to the seasons) or to deal with some driving power (resembling local weather or struggle). A person that makes this transfer is named a migrant.

moon: The pure satellite tv for pc of any planet.

NASA: Quick for the Nationwide Aeronautics and Area Administration. Created in 1958, this U.S. company has develop into a frontrunner in area analysis and in stimulating public curiosity in area exploration. It was by way of NASA that america despatched individuals into orbit and finally to the moon. It additionally has despatched analysis craft to check planets and different celestial objects in our photo voltaic system.

orbit: The curved path of a celestial object or spacecraft round a galaxy, star, planet or moon. One full circuit round a celestial physique.

natural: (in chemistry) An adjective that signifies one thing is carbon-containing; additionally a time period that pertains to the essential chemical substances that make up residing organisms.

particle: A minute quantity of one thing.

planet: A big celestial object that orbits a star however not like a star doesn’t generate any seen mild.

planetary science: The science of planets apart from Earth.

robotic: A machine that may sense its surroundings, course of info and reply with particular actions. Some robots can act with none human enter, whereas others are guided by a human.

Saturn: The sixth planet out from the solar in our photo voltaic system. One of many two fuel giants, this planet takes 10.6 hours to rotate (finishing a day) and 29.5 Earth years to finish one orbit of the solar. It has no less than 82 moons. However what most distinguishes this planet is the broad and flat airplane of vivid rings that orbit it.

sea: An ocean (or area that’s a part of an ocean). In contrast to lakes and streams, seawater — or ocean water — is salty.

photo voltaic system: The eight main planets and their moons in orbit round our solar, along with smaller our bodies within the type of dwarf planets, asteroids, meteoroids and comets.

Titan: The time period for any gigantic being. The time period comes from Greek mythology. The six sons and 6 daughters of the Greek gods Uranus and Gaea have been often known as titans. Capitalized Titan is a moon of Saturn.

United Arab Emirates: A nation product of seven states, referred to as emirates, that lies alongside the southern coast of the Persian Gulf. This oil-rich nation, generally referred to as the Emirates, shares a border with Saudi Arabia and Oman. Getting solely 100 to 150 millimeters (4 to six inches) of rain annually, it hosts a big rocky desert, coastal wetlands and arid mountains.

volcano: A spot on Earth’s crust that opens, permitting magma and gases to spew out from underground reservoirs of molten materials. The magma rises by way of a system of pipes or channels, generally spending time in chambers the place it bubbles with fuel and undergoes chemical transformations.

wave: A disturbance or variation that travels by way of area and matter in an everyday, oscillating vogue.


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