adolescent: Somebody in that transitional stage of bodily and psychological growth that begins on the onset of puberty, usually between the ages of 11 and 13, and ends with maturity.

anxious: (n. anxiousness) A sense of dread over some potential or upcoming state of affairs, normally one over which somebody feels they’ve little management.

biology: The research of dwelling issues. The scientists who research them are often known as biologists.

most cancers: Any of greater than 100 completely different ailments, every characterised by the speedy, uncontrolled development of irregular cells. The event and development of cancers, often known as malignancies, can result in tumors, ache and demise.

celiac illness: (often known as sprue) A dysfunction during which the immune system assaults the small gut after it encounters meals containing gluten, a wheat protein. Folks with this illness endure from abdomen ache, constipation, diarrhea and a continuing feeling of fatigue. They need to keep away from gluten-containing merchandise like bread, cake and cookies.

cerebral palsy: A bunch of problems that have an effect on somebody’s potential to maneuver. It stems from injury to the growing mind throughout being pregnant, at delivery or shortly thereafter. Signs can embrace poor muscle coordination, lack of muscle tone (power), poor reflexes and stability. The illness has no remedy, however its results can enhance or worsen as somebody ages. Some sufferers additionally could produce other mind impairments that have an effect on speech, listening to, sight and extra.

chemical: A substance shaped from two or extra atoms that unite (bond) in a hard and fast proportion and construction. For instance, water is a chemical made when two hydrogen atoms bond to at least one oxygen atom. Its chemical formulation is H2O. Chemical additionally could be an adjective to explain properties of supplies which are the results of varied reactions between completely different compounds.

dairy: Containing milk or having to do with milk. Or a constructing or firm during which milk is ready for distribution and sale.

knowledge: Info and/or statistics collected collectively for evaluation however not essentially organized in a manner that provides them which means. For digital data (the sort saved by computer systems), these knowledge usually are numbers saved in a binary code, portrayed as strings of zeros and ones.

digest: (noun: digestion) To interrupt down meals into easy compounds that the physique can take up and use for development. Some sewage-treatment vegetation harness microbes to digest — or degrade — wastes in order that the breakdown merchandise could be recycled to be used elsewhere within the surroundings.

enzymes: Molecules made by dwelling issues to hurry up chemical reactions.

household: A taxonomic group consisting of at the very least one genus of organisms.

fruit: A seed-containing reproductive organ in a plant.

gait: The sample of leg motions by which an animal walks from place to put.

gluten: A pair of proteins — gliadin and glutenin — joined collectively and located in wheat, rye, spelt and barley. The certain proteins give bread, cake and cookie doughs their elasticity and chewiness. Some individuals could not be capable to comfortably tolerate gluten, nevertheless, as a result of they’ve an allergy to it or endure from celiac illness.

highschool: A designation for grades 9 by 12 within the U.S. system of obligatory public training. Excessive-school graduates could apply to high schools for additional, superior training.

innovation: (v. to innovate; adj. progressive) An adaptation or enchancment to an present concept, course of or product that’s new, intelligent, simpler or extra sensible.

lactose: A kind of sugar present in milk and different dairy merchandise.

lactose intolerance: An incapability to simply digest lactose, a sugar present in milk and different dairy merchandise. Folks with this situation don’t produce an enzyme (or sufficient of this enzyme) to interrupt lactose down into two less complicated sugars: glucose and galactose. These are extra readily absorbed into the bloodstream to be used in cells. The situation typically doesn’t happen till after age 2. Folks — particularly adults — that make too little of the enzyme lactase could develop stomach ache, gasoline, bloating and diarrhea shortly after consuming meals containing comparatively massive quantities of lactose.

mentor: A person who lends his or her expertise to advise somebody beginning out in a subject. In science, lecturers or researchers typically mentor college students or youthful scientists by serving to them to refine their analysis questions. Mentors can also provide suggestions on how younger investigators put together to conduct analysis or interpret their knowledge.

pesticide: A chemical or mixture of compounds used to kill bugs, rodents or different organisms dangerous to cultivated vegetation, pets or livestock; or undesirable organisms that infest properties, workplaces, farm buildings and different protected constructions.

PhD: (often known as a doctorate) A kind of superior diploma provided by universities — usually after 5 or 6 years of research — for work that creates new information. Folks qualify to start such a graduate research solely after having first accomplished a university diploma (a program that usually takes 4 years of research).

pollinator: One thing that carries pollen, a plant’s male reproductive cells, to the feminine components of a flower, permitting fertilization. Many pollinators are bugs akin to bees.

prosthetic: Adjective that refers to a prosthesis.

Science Expertise Search: An annual competitors created and run by Society for Science. Begun in 1942, this occasion brings 40 research-oriented highschool seniors to Washington, D.C. every year to showcase their analysis to the general public and to compete for awards. Since spring 2016, this competitors has been sponsored by Regeneron Prescription drugs.

sensor: A tool that picks up data on bodily or chemical circumstances — akin to temperature, barometric stress, salinity, humidity, pH, gentle depth or radiation — and shops or broadcasts that data. Scientists and engineers typically depend on sensors to tell them of circumstances that will change over time or that exist removed from the place a researcher can measure them immediately. (in biology) The construction that an organism makes use of to sense attributes of its surroundings, akin to warmth, winds, chemical substances, moisture, trauma or an assault by predators.

Society for Science: A nonprofit group created in 1921 and based mostly in Washington, D.C. Since its founding, the Society has been selling not solely public engagement in scientific analysis but in addition the general public understanding of science. It created and continues to run three famend science competitions: the Regeneron Science Expertise Search (begun in 1942), the Regeneron Worldwide Science and Engineering Truthful (initially launched in 1950) and MASTERS (from 2010 to 2022) and the Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Problem (launched in 2023). The Society additionally publishes award-winning journalism: in Science Information (launched in 1922) and Science Information Explores (created in 2003).

static: The situation of being unmoving and unchanging.


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