amphibians: A bunch of animals that features frogs, salamanders and caecilians. Amphibians have backbones and may breathe via their pores and skin. In contrast to reptiles, birds and mammals, unborn or unhatched amphibians don’t develop in a particular protecting sac referred to as an amniotic sac. 

biologist: A scientist concerned within the examine of dwelling issues. 

cell: (in biology) The smallest structural and practical unit of an organism. Usually too small to see with the unaided eye, it consists of a watery fluid surrounded by a membrane or wall. Relying on their measurement, animals are manufactured from anyplace from hundreds to trillions of cells.  

chemical: A substance shaped from two or extra atoms that unite (bond) in a set proportion and construction. For instance, water is a chemical made when two hydrogen atoms bond to 1 oxygen atom. Its chemical system is H2O.  

chemical response: A course of that includes the rearrangement of the molecules or construction of a substance, versus a change in bodily kind (as from a strong to a fuel). 

weight loss program: (n.) The meals and liquids ingested by an animal to supply the vitamin it must develop and keep well being. Typically this can be a particular food-intake plan.  

household: A taxonomic group consisting of not less than one genus of organisms. 

fluorescent: (v. fluoresce) Adjective for one thing that’s able to absorbing and reemitting mild. That reemitted mild is called fluorescence. 

gene: (adj. genetic) A section of DNA that codes, or holds directions, for a cell’s manufacturing of a protein. Offspring inherit genes from their dad and mom. Genes affect how an organism seems and behaves. 

intestine: An off-the-cuff time period for the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the intestines. 

herpetologist: A scientist who works on the biology of reptiles and amphibians. 

insect: A sort of arthropod that as an grownup can have six segmented legs and three physique elements: a head, thorax and stomach. There are a whole bunch of hundreds of bugs, which embody bees, beetles, flies and moths. 

liver: An organ of the physique of animals with backbones that performs numerous vital capabilities. It could retailer fats and sugar as vitality, break down dangerous substances for excretion by the physique, and secrete bile, a greenish fluid launched into the intestine, the place it helps digest fat and neutralize acids. 

mammal: A warm-blooded animal distinguished by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk by females for feeding their younger, and (usually) the bearing of stay younger. 

marker: (in biomedicine) The presence of some substance — such because the attachment of some stain or molecular flag — that often alerts some illness, pollutant or occasion. As such, this substance will function an indication — or marker — of that associated factor. 

metabolism: (adj. metabolic)  The set of life-sustaining chemical reactions that happen inside cells and larger buildings, comparable to organs. These reactions allow organisms to develop, reproduce, transfer and in any other case reply to their environments. 

poison dart frog: A sort of brightly coloured frog (there are greater than 100 completely different species of those) that belong to the Dendrobatidae household. They secrete a potent poison into their pores and skin. Their shiny coloring warns predators that they would offer a poisonous lunch. The pores and skin of not less than one species can maintain sufficient poison to kill as much as 20,000 mice — or 10 grownup males. They get their identify from the truth that some hunters within the Amazon as soon as used these poisons on the guidelines of their darts to immobilize their prey. 

predator: (adjective: predatory) A creature that preys on different animals for many or all of its meals. 

major: An adjective that means main, first or most vital.  

protein: A compound constructed from a number of lengthy chains of amino acids. Proteins are a vital a part of all dwelling organisms. They kind the idea of dwelling cells, muscle and tissues; in addition they do the work inside cells. Antibodies, hemoglobin and enzymes are all examples of proteins. Medicines incessantly work by latching onto proteins. 

species: A bunch of comparable organisms able to producing offspring that may survive and reproduce. 

poisonous: Toxic or capable of hurt or kill cells, tissues or complete organisms. The measure of threat posed by such a poison is its toxicity. 

toxin: A poison produced by dwelling organisms, comparable to micro organism, algae and sure crops (comparable to poison ivy). Bees, spiders, snakes and different animals additionally produce toxins. These are known as venoms. 

trait: A attribute function of one thing. (in genetics) A top quality or attribute that may be inherited. 


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