acidic: An adjective for supplies that include acid. Acidic supplies typically are able to dissolving away some minerals akin to carbonate, or stopping their formation within the first place.

Atlantic: One of many world’s 5 oceans, it’s second in dimension solely to the Pacific. It separates Europe and Africa to the east from North and South America to the west.

local weather: The climate situations that sometimes exist in a single space, generally, or over an extended interval.

local weather change: Lengthy-term, important change within the local weather of Earth. It will probably occur naturally or in response to human actions, together with the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forests.

colleague: Somebody who works with one other; a co-worker or group member.

pc mannequin: A program that runs on a pc that creates a mannequin, or simulation, of a real-world function, phenomenon or occasion.

knowledge: Info and/or statistics collected collectively for evaluation however not essentially organized in a means that provides them that means. For digital info (the kind saved by computer systems), these knowledge sometimes are numbers saved in a binary code, portrayed as strings of zeros and ones.

decibel: A measurement scale used for the depth of sounds that may be picked up by the human ear. It begins at zero decibels (dB), a sound hardly audible to folks with good listening to. A sound 10 occasions louder could be 10 dB. As a result of the size is logarithmic, a sound 100 occasions louder than 0 dB could be 20 dB; one which’s 1,000 occasions louder than 0 dB could be described as 30 dB.

surroundings: The sum of the entire issues that exist round some organism or the method and the situation these issues create. Atmosphere might discuss with the climate and ecosystem through which some animal lives, or, maybe, the temperature and humidity (and even the placement of issues within the neighborhood of an merchandise of curiosity).

issue: One thing that performs a task in a selected situation or occasion; a contributor.

Greenland: The world’s largest island, Greenland sits between the Arctic Ocean and North Atlantic. Though it’s technically a part of North America (sitting simply east of Northern Canada), Greenland has been linked extra politically to Europe. Certainly, Vikings arrived in Greenland across the tenth century, and for a time the island was a colony of Denmark. In June 2009, Greenland grew to become an impartial nation. Ice covers roughly 80 % of Greenland. Certainly, the Greenland ice sheet is the world’s largest. If its frozen water had been to soften, it may elevate sea ranges all over the world by 6 meters (about 20 ft). Though that is the twelfth largest nation (based mostly on floor space), Greenland averages the fewest folks per sq. kilometer of its floor space.

marine mammal: Any of many varieties of mammals that spend most of its life within the ocean surroundings. These embody whales and dolphins, walruses and sea lions, seals and sea otters, manatees and dugongs — even polar bears.

mannequin: A simulation of a real-world occasion (normally utilizing a pc) that has been developed to foretell a number of probably outcomes. Or a person that’s meant to show how one thing would work in or look on others.

navigate: To seek out one’s means by means of a panorama utilizing visible cues, sensory info (like scents), magnetic info (like an inner compass) or different strategies.

salt: A compound made by combining an acid with a base (in a response that additionally creates water). The ocean comprises many alternative salts — collectively known as “sea salt.” Frequent desk salt is a fabricated from sodium and chlorine.

sea: An ocean (or area that’s a part of an ocean). In contrast to lakes and streams, seawater — or ocean water — is salty.

sound wave: A wave that transmits sound. Sound waves have alternating swaths of excessive and low strain.

stress: (in biology) An element — akin to uncommon temperatures, actions, moisture or air pollution — that impacts the well being of a species or ecosystem.

wave: A disturbance or variation that travels by means of house and matter in a daily, oscillating trend.

wavelength: The gap between one peak and the subsequent in a collection of waves, or the gap between one trough and the subsequent. It’s additionally one of many “yardsticks” used to measure radiation. Seen gentle — which, like all electromagnetic radiation, travels in waves — consists of wavelengths between about 380 nanometers (violet) and about 740 nanometers (purple). Radiation with wavelengths shorter than seen gentle consists of gamma rays, X-rays and ultraviolet gentle. Longer-wavelength radiation consists of infrared gentle, microwaves and radio waves.


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