micro organism: (singular: bacterium) Single-celled organisms. These dwell almost in every single place on Earth, from the underside of the ocean to inside different residing organisms (corresponding to vegetation and animals). Micro organism are one of many three domains of life on Earth.

cell: (in biology) The smallest structural and practical unit of an organism. Usually too small to see with the unaided eye, it consists of a watery fluid surrounded by a membrane or wall. Relying on their measurement, animals are made from anyplace from 1000’s to trillions of cells. Most organisms, corresponding to yeasts, molds, micro organism and a few algae, are composed of just one cell.

chemical: A substance shaped from two or extra atoms that unite (bond) in a hard and fast proportion and construction. For instance, water is a chemical made when two hydrogen atoms bond to at least one oxygen atom. Its chemical system is H2O. Chemical additionally may be an adjective to explain properties of supplies which might be the results of varied reactions between totally different compounds.

crop: (in agriculture) A sort of plant grown deliberately grown and nurtured by farmers, corresponding to corn, espresso or tomatoes. Or the time period might apply to the a part of the plant harvested and bought by farmers.

dengue: A probably deadly infectious illness transmitted by mosquitoes. No vaccine but exists to forestall an infection with the virus answerable for the illness, which causes excessive fevers, extreme headache, joint ache, ache behind the eyes, rash, bone ache and typically gentle bleeding. A extra extreme type of the illness, often called dengue hemorrhagic fever could cause uncontrolled bleeding if not handled immediately.

diabetes: A illness the place the physique both makes too little of the hormone insulin (often called kind 1 illness) or ignores the presence of an excessive amount of insulin when it’s current (often called kind 2 diabetes).

DNA: (brief for deoxyribonucleic acid) An extended, double-stranded and spiral-shaped molecule inside most residing cells that carries genetic directions. It’s constructed on a spine of phosphorus, oxygen, and carbon atoms. In all residing issues, from vegetation and animals to microbes, these directions inform cells which molecules to make.

egg: A reproductive cell that comprises half of the genetic info essential to type an entire organism. In people and in lots of different animals, ovaries produce eggs. When an egg fuses with a sperm, they mix to provide a brand new cell, referred to as a zygote. This is step one within the improvement of a brand new organism.”

engineering: The sector of analysis that makes use of math and science to unravel sensible issues. Somebody who works on this subject is named an engineer.

gene: (adj. genetic) A section of DNA that codes, or holds directions, for a cell’s manufacturing of a protein. Offspring inherit genes from their dad and mom. Genes affect how an organism seems to be and behaves.

genetic: Having to do with chromosomes, DNA and the genes contained inside DNA. The sector of science coping with these organic directions is named genetics. Individuals who work on this subject are geneticists.

genetic engineering: The direct manipulation of an organism’s genome. On this course of, genes may be eliminated, disabled in order that they not perform, or added after being taken from different organisms. Genetic engineering can be utilized to create organisms that produce medicines, or crops that develop higher below difficult situations corresponding to dry climate, sizzling temperatures or salty soils.

GMO: An abbreviation for genetically modified organisms. These are organisms that individuals have altered, by tweaking their genes. In some situations, the genes might come from organisms completely in contrast to the species by which they find yourself.

insulin: A hormone produced within the pancreas (an organ that’s a part of the digestive system) that helps the physique use glucose as gasoline.

microbe: Brief for microorganism. A residing factor that’s too small to see with the unaided eye, together with micro organism, some fungi and plenty of different organisms corresponding to amoebas. Most include a single cell.

organism: Any residing factor, from elephants and vegetation to micro organism and different forms of single-celled life.

protein: A compound comprised of a number of lengthy chains of amino acids. Proteins are a necessary a part of all residing organisms. They type the premise of residing cells, muscle and tissues; additionally they do the work within cells. Antibodies, hemoglobin and enzymes are all examples of proteins. Medicines continuously work by latching onto proteins.

salmon: A preferred recreation fish that tends to dwell most of its life within the ocean, then enters coastal rivers (and freshwater) to breed and lay eggs.

spawn: To rapidly trigger one thing to return into being.

species: A bunch of comparable organisms able to producing offspring that may survive and reproduce.

trait: A attribute characteristic of one thing. (in genetics) A high quality or attribute that may be inherited.

vaccine: (v. vaccinate) A organic combination that resembles a disease-causing agent. It’s given to assist the physique create immunity to a selected illness. The injections used to manage most vaccines are often called vaccinations.

yeast: One-celled fungi that may ferment carbohydrates (like sugars), producing carbon dioxide and alcohol. Additionally they play a pivotal position in making many baked merchandise rise.

Zika: A viral illness that may be transmitted to people through mosquitoes. About 20 % of contaminated individuals get sick. Signs embrace a slight fever, rash and pinkeye and often fade rapidly. A rising physique of proof means that the virus might additionally trigger a devastating start defect — microcephaly. Proof suggests it could additionally trigger neurological situations corresponding to Guillain-Barré syndrome.


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