app: Brief for utility, or a pc program designed for a particular process.

consideration: The phenomenon of focusing psychological assets on a particular object or occasion.

conduct: The way in which one thing, usually an individual or different organism, acts in the direction of others, or conducts itself.

carbohydrates: Any of a big group of compounds occurring in meals and residing tissues, together with sugars, starch and cellulose. They include hydrogen and oxygen in the identical ratio as water (2:1) and usually could be damaged down in an animal’s physique to launch power.

cell: (in biology) The smallest structural and purposeful unit of an organism. Sometimes too small to see with the unaided eye, it consists of a watery fluid surrounded by a membrane or wall. Relying on their dimension, animals are product of anyplace from hundreds to trillions of cells. Most organisms, akin to yeasts, molds, micro organism and a few algae, are composed of just one cell. (in telecommunications) A expertise that depends on numerous base stations to relay indicators. Every base station covers solely a small space, which is called a cell. Telephones that depend on this method are usually known as cell telephones.

chemical: A substance shaped from two or extra atoms that unite (bond) in a set proportion and construction. For instance, water is a chemical made when two hydrogen atoms bond to at least one oxygen atom. Its chemical formulation is H2O. Chemical additionally could be an adjective to explain properties of supplies which are the results of numerous reactions between totally different compounds.

cognitive: A time period that pertains to psychological actions, akin to considering, studying, remembering and fixing puzzles.

develop: To emerge or to make come into being, both naturally or by means of human intervention, akin to by manufacturing. (in biology) To develop as an organism from conception by means of maturity, usually present process modifications in chemistry, dimension, psychological maturity or typically even form. (as with cities) The conversion of wildland to host communities of individuals. This improvement can embrace the constructing of roads, houses, shops, colleges and extra. Normally, bushes and grasslands are minimize down and changed with buildings or landscaped yards and parks.

weight-reduction plan: (n.) The meals and liquids ingested by an animal to supply the diet it must develop and keep well being. Typically this can be a particular food-intake plan. (v.) To undertake a particular food-intake plan. Individuals could undertake one for non secular or moral causes, to deal with meals allergic reactions or to regulate a illness akin to hypertension or diabetes. They could additionally undertake one in an effort to drop pounds, though this may be unhealthy if not accomplished underneath the steering of a well being skilled, akin to a doctor or registered dietician.

distraction: Any occasion or scenario that pulls somebody’s consideration away from no matter had been his or her predominant focus. Distractions could be exterior occasions, akin to sounds or sights; or they are often inner occasions, akin to ideas or feelings.

atmosphere: The sum of all the issues that exist round some organism or the method and the situation these issues create. Setting could confer with the climate and ecosystem wherein some animal lives, or, maybe, the temperature and humidity (and even the placement of issues within the neighborhood of an merchandise of curiosity).

environmental well being: A analysis subject that focuses on measuring the consequences of pollution and different components within the atmosphere on the well being of individuals, wildlife or ecosystems.

fats: A pure oily or greasy substance occurring in vegetation and in animal our bodies, particularly when deposited as a layer underneath the pores and skin or round sure organs. Fats’s main function is as an power reserve. Fats additionally is a crucial nutrient, although it may be dangerous if consumed in extreme quantities.

federal: Of or associated to a rustic’s nationwide authorities (to not any state or native authorities inside that nation). For example, the Nationwide Science Basis and Nationwide Institutes of Well being are each companies of the U.S. federal authorities.

fiber: One thing whose form resembles a thread or filament. (in diet) Elements of many fibrous plant-based meals. These so-called non-digestible fibers have a tendency to return from cellulose, lignin, and pectin — all plant constituents that resist breakdown by the physique’s digestive enzymes.

focus: (in conduct) To look or focus intently on some explicit level or factor.

Meals and Drug Administration: (or FDA) Part of the U.S. Division of Well being and Human Providers, FDA is charged with overseeing the protection of many merchandise. For example, it’s answerable for ensuring medication are correctly labeled, protected and efficient; that cosmetics and meals dietary supplements are protected and correctly labeled; and that tobacco merchandise are regulated.

fruit: A seed-containing reproductive organ in a plant.

perform: The particular function some construction or machine performs.

gene: (adj. genetic) A phase of DNA that codes, or holds directions, for a cell’s manufacturing of a protein. Offspring inherit genes from their mother and father. Genes affect how an organism appears and behaves.

genetic: Having to do with chromosomes, DNA and the genes contained inside DNA. The sphere of science coping with these organic directions is called genetics. Individuals who work on this subject are geneticists.

glucose: A easy sugar that is a crucial power supply in residing organisms. As an power supply shifting by means of the bloodstream, it is called “blood sugar.” It’s half of the molecule that makes up desk sugar (also called sucrose).

highschool: A designation for grades 9 by means of 12 within the U.S. system of obligatory public schooling. Excessive-school graduates could apply to schools for additional, superior schooling.

hormone: (in zoology and drugs) A chemical produced in a gland after which carried within the bloodstream to a different a part of the physique. Hormones management many necessary physique actions, akin to development. Hormones act by triggering or regulating chemical reactions within the physique. (in botany) A chemical that serves as a signaling compound that tells cells of a plant when and tips on how to develop, or when to develop previous and die.

hue: A colour or shade of some colour.

data: (versus information) Info offered or tendencies realized about one thing or somebody, usually on account of finding out information.

inhibit: To gradual or forestall one thing from occurring. To supply some resistance to a motion or motion.

hyperlink: A connection between two individuals or issues.

media: A time period for the methods data is delivered and shared inside a society. It encompasses not solely the normal media — newspapers, magazines, radio and tv — but additionally digital shops, akin to Twitter, Fb, Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp. The newer, digital media are typically known as social media. The singular type of this time period is medium.

melatonin: A hormone secreted within the night by a construction within the mind. Melatonin tells the physique that it’s nearing time to sleep. It performs a key function in regulating circadian rhythms.

psychological well being: A time period for somebody’s emotional, psychological and social well-being. It refers to how individuals behave on their very own and the way they work together with others. It contains how individuals make selections, deal with stress and handle worry or nervousness. Poor psychological well being could be triggered by illness or would possibly mirror a short-term response to life’s challenges. It will possibly happen in individuals of any age, from infants to the aged.

mindset: In psychology, the assumption about and perspective towards a scenario that influences conduct. For example, holding a mindset that stress could also be useful may help enhance efficiency underneath stress.

navigate: To search out one’s means by means of a panorama utilizing visible cues, sensory data (like scents), magnetic data (like an inner compass) or different methods.

neuron: The principle cell sort of the nervous system — the mind, spinal column and nerves. These specialised cells transmit data by producing, receiving and conducting electrical indicators. Neurons can also transmit indicators to different cells with chemical messengers.

neurotransmitter: A chemical launched on the finish of a neuron to hold a message to a neighboring cell. This chemical travels throughout the house between two cells, after which binds to molecules on a neighboring cell to transmit a message. Neurotransmitters are launched from neurons, and might bind to neurons or to different varieties of cell, together with people who make up muscle mass or glands.

organ: (in biology) Numerous components of an organism that carry out a number of explicit capabilities. For example, an ovary is an organ that makes eggs, the mind is an organ that is sensible of nerve indicators and a plant’s roots are organs that absorb vitamins and moisture.

pediatrician: A health care provider who works within the subject of medication that has to do with kids and particularly youngster well being. 

peer: (noun) Somebody who’s an equal, based mostly on age, schooling, standing, coaching or another options. (verb) To look into one thing, looking for particulars.

protein: A compound produced from a number of lengthy chains of amino acids. Proteins are a necessary a part of all residing organisms. They kind the idea of residing cells, muscle and tissues; additionally they do the work inside cells. Antibodies, hemoglobin and enzymes are all examples of proteins. Medicines regularly work by latching onto proteins.

psychologist: A scientist or mental-health skilled who research the thoughts, particularly in relation to actions and behaviors. Some work with individuals. Others could conduct experiments with animals (often rodents) to check how their minds reply to totally different stimuli and circumstances.

danger: The prospect or mathematical probability that some dangerous factor would possibly occur. For example, publicity to radiation poses a danger of most cancers. Or the hazard — or peril — itself. (For example: Amongst most cancers dangers that the individuals confronted had been radiation and consuming water tainted with arsenic.)

social media: Digital media that enable individuals to attach with one another (usually anonymously) and to share data. Examples embrace Twitter, Fb, Instagram, TikTok and WhatsApp.

spinal twine: A cylindrical bundle of nerve fibers and related tissue. It’s enclosed within the backbone and connects almost all components of the physique to the mind, with which it kinds the central nervous system.

starch: A mushy white chemical made by all inexperienced vegetation. It’s a comparatively lengthy molecule produced from linking collectively quite a lot of smaller, equivalent constructing blocks — all of them glucose, a easy sugar. Vegetation and animals use glucose as an power supply. Vegetation retailer that glucose, within the type of starch, as a reserve provide of power. Animals that eat starch can break down the starch into glucose molecules to extract the helpful power.

survey: To view, look at, measure or consider one thing, usually land or broad features of a panorama. (with individuals) To ask questions that glean information on the opinions, practices (akin to eating or sleeping habits), information or abilities of a broad vary of individuals. Researchers choose the quantity and varieties of individuals questioned in hopes that the solutions these people give will probably be consultant of others who’re their age, belong to the identical ethnic group or stay in the identical area. (n.) The record of questions that will probably be provided to glean these information.

texting: The sending of a textual content message from a cell (cell) telephone.

toxicologist: A scientist who investigates the potential hurt posed by bodily brokers within the atmosphere. These could embrace supplies to which we could also be deliberately uncovered, akin to chemical substances, cigarette smoke and meals, or supplies to which we’re uncovered with out alternative, akin to air and water pollution. Toxicologists could examine the dangers such exposures trigger, how they produce hurt or how they transfer all through the atmosphere.

waste: Any supplies which are left over from organic or different techniques that don’t have any worth, to allow them to be disposed of as trash or recycled for some new use.


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