animal welfare: An concept that describes the standard of an animal’s life. Good animal welfare signifies that animals are secure, snug, wholesome, properly nourished, and might specific their innate behaviors – issues they’re born understanding how one can do.

habits: The way in which one thing, typically an individual or different organism, acts in the direction of others, or conducts itself.

biology: The research of residing issues. The scientists who research them are often called biologists.

breed: (noun) Animals throughout the similar species which are so genetically comparable that they produce dependable and attribute traits. German shepherds and dachshunds, as an illustration, are examples of canine breeds. (verb) To supply offspring by way of replica.

canine: Members of the organic household of canids. These are carnivores and omnivores. The household contains canines, wolves, foxes, jackals and coyotes. (in anatomy) The pointed tooth in a mammal that separates its incisors from its premolars. These canine enamel are usually particularly lengthy in carnivores.

cognition: The psychological processes of thought, remembering, studying info and deciphering these information that the senses ship to the mind.

domestication: A course of of manufacturing a tame model of an animal from a wild one, which may take 1000’s of years. A domesticated animal is one which has been bred in captivity.

evolutionary biologist: Somebody who research the adaptive processes which have led to the range of life on Earth. These scientists can research many various topics, together with the microbiology and genetics of residing organisms, how species change to adapt, and the fossil report (to evaluate how numerous historic species are associated to one another and to modern-day relations).

gene: (adj. genetic) A section of DNA that codes, or holds directions, for a cell’s manufacturing of a protein. Offspring inherit genes from their dad and mom. Genes affect how an organism seems and behaves.

speculation: (v. hypothesize) A proposed rationalization for a phenomenon. In science, a speculation is an concept that should be rigorously examined earlier than it’s accepted or rejected.

locomotion: The power to maneuver from place to position.

bodily: (adj.) A time period for issues that exist in the true world, versus in recollections or the creativeness. It may additionally seek advice from properties of supplies which are as a result of their dimension and non-chemical interactions (corresponding to when one block slams with drive into one other). (in biology and medication) The time period can seek advice from the physique, as in a bodily examination or bodily exercise.

psycholinguistics: A area of analysis that appears into hyperlinks between language and the way the thoughts works, together with its capability to study language. Individuals who work on this area are often called psycholinguists.

species: A gaggle of comparable organisms able to producing offspring that may survive and reproduce.

trait: A attribute function of one thing. (in genetics) A top quality or attribute that may be inherited.


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